Multi-Packet Detection Techniques for Satellite Networks |
Generalised Linear Amplification with Nonlinear Components for Broadband Wireless Systems |
Advanced Receivers and Navigation Algorithms for GPS/Galileo Signals |
Cognitive Radios Adaptable Wireless Transceivers |
GaN Transceivers for Satellite Communications |
FPGA-based All-digital SDR System |
TACCS - Cognitive Radios Adaptable Wireless Transceivers |
GLANCES - Generalised Linear Amplification with Nonlinear Components for Power and Spectral Efficient Broadband Wireless Systems |
SWING - Securing Wireless Networks with Coding and Jamming Technology |
Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing and Unmixing |
Bio-Radar |
MMIC Design for Space Applications |
Energy Efficient Virtual Resource Management for Beyond 5G |