
  • B. M. Oliveira, J. H. Silva, M. S. Neves, F. P. Guiomar, M. C. R. Medeiros, P. Monteiro, Best Student Paper Prize Runner-Up, Runner-up for the Best Student Paper prize, awarded at the 49th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2023, in Glasgow, Scotland, with the paper entitled "Capacity-Achieving Probabilistic Constellation Shaping for Unamplified Coherent Links"., 01-10-2023
  • M. S. Neves, A. Ramos, F. A. Antunes, J. Maltez Maltez, V. Fernandes Fernandes, J. N. Matos, Third Place Award for Student Design Contest at the 2021 IEEE AP-S USNC-URSI, Design of an Array for DOA Detection and Visualization, granting the third place in the Student Design Contest at the 2021 IEEE AP-S USNC-URSI, Singapore, 2021., 31-12-2021
  • L. M. Sousa, J. Vieira, M. Facão, G. Fernandes, R.N. Nogueira, Ana M. Rocha, Best Talk (Top 6), Grant winner of one of the best talks at the online conference IONS Ireland. Title of the talk: "Long-period grating based coupler for multi-core fiber systems", 01-11-2021
  • M. S. Neves, IEEE Outstanding Master Thesis Award 2020, Competition led by IEEE Portugal Section. The thesis earned the prize in the field of Optics and Photonics., 01-11-2020
  • G. Fernandes, Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Óptica e Fotónica em Portugal, 2019, Prémio da sociedade portuguesa de ótica e fotônica (SPOF): Melhor Tese de Doutoramento em Óptica e Fotónica em Portugal, 2019, 01-11-2019
  • J. N. Matos, A. Rocha, L. S. L. Leitão, M. S. Neves, T. Ferreira, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society 2019 Contest Student 2nd Place Award, Goal: Propose a setup that characterizes/demonstrates the properties of an antenna system and provide educational material to explain these properties. Specifications The setup must be able to measure/demonstrate some properties of an antenna system. These properties include (but are not limited to) impedance, efficiency, frequency of operation, bandwidth, gain, polarization, beam width, RCS, MIMO performance… The results must be displayed in real time. The setup and procedure must be easy to understand for non-specialists. The setup must be easy to reproduce in a classroom. The setup must be designed using the non-dedicated/non-specialized equipment. The teams are encouraged to use devices as mobile phones, small drones, or any commercially available device that is NOT specifically intended for antenna/RF testing. The teams have to explain the theory behind their demonstration setup in a simple way (so that it can be understood by non-engineers.) Step-by-step instructions to allow reproducing the system for anyone who wants to use it for teaching purposes have to be provided. Merit will be assigned to designs based on the following criteria, equally weighted: - Creativity and justification of the design; - Capability of the system to show the properties of the system under test; - Use of non-standard equipment and DIY strategies; - Quality of the experimental model and results; - Educational value and clarity of the DIY/demonstration instructions. Existing licensed software at the university (e.g., electromagnetic simulation software) or free software may be used. Any other commercial software used for the project should be included in the budget. The total production cost for the entire system must be less than US$1,500., 01-07-2019
  • B. M. Oliveira, A. Lorences-Riesgo, P. Monteiro, M. C. R. Medeiros, Best Oral Presentation Award, Best Oral Presentation presented at ICTON 2018, with the paper entitled "Mitigation of Nonlinear Distortions in a mm-Wave OFDM Photonic Link Employing Digital Signal Pre-Processing"., 01-07-2018
  • F. P. Guiomar, Photonics 21 Student Innovation Award, Awarded by the European Technology Platform Photonics21 for high-quality photonics-related research with high industrial impact., 01-03-2016
  • F. P. Guiomar, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant for an Individual Fellowship, Research grant for a 2-years fellowship awarded by the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme., 01-10-2015
  • F. P. Guiomar, Runner-up of ECOC2015 Best Student Paper Prize, Honorable mention (2nd place) for the work “Ultra-Long-Haul 400G Superchannel Transmission with Multi-Carrier Nonlinear Equalization”, on the Best Student Paper Prize Competition at ECOC2015, Valencia, Spain., 01-09-2015
  • F. P. Guiomar, FLAD Travel Grant, Grant to support the travelling expenses related with the participation on the “Optics & Photonics Congress on Advanced Photonics”, held in Boston, USA., 01-06-2015
  • G. Fernandes, N. J. Muga, A. N. Pinto, Signal Processing Techniques for Transmissions Systems Based on Space-Division Multiplexing, Best Poster Award in Engineering -Research Day 2015, 01-05-2015
  • F. P. Guiomar, Best Engineering Poster at UA Research Day, Awarded to the best engineering-related poster at the University of Aveiro research day, 01-07-2013