J. C. Mendes,
Honour Award,
Honor Award, Second Best Post-Doctoral Research, received during the University of Aveiro Research Day,
N. Lourenço,
R. M. Martins,
A. Canelas,
R. P. Póvoa,
N. Horta,
Best Paper Award 2019 - Integration, the VLSI Journal,
N. Lourenço, R. Martins, A. Canelas, R. Póvoa, and N. Horta, “AIDA: Layout-aware Analog Circuit-Level Sizing with In-Loop Layout Generation”, Integration, the VLSI Journal, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.vlsi.2016.04.009,
D. Guerra,
N. Lourenço,
A. Canelas,
R. P. Póvoa,
N. Horta,
R. M. Martins,
Best Paper Award Runner-Up - International Conference on SMACD,
Daniel Guerra, António Canelas, Ricardo Póvoa, Nuno Horta, Nuno Lourenço and Ricardo Martins "Artificial Neural Networks as an Alternative for Automatic Analog IC Placement", International Conference on SMACD 2019, Switzerland.,
P.F. Fonseca,
P. Pedreiras,
FS Silva,
As Novas Fronteiras de Engenharia – Docentes de Engenharia,
Os prémios "As Novas Fronteiras da Engenharia" são atribuídos por um Fundo com o mesmo nome, constituído em Março de 2011 com o saldo existente nas contas do ICEE 2007 – International Conference on Engineering Education, The Moving Frontiers of Engineering e pela contribuição, em igual montante, da Região Centro da Ordem dos Engenheiros.
Anualmente são atribuídos dois prémios:
Um prémio que distingue um artigo publicado em revista científica nacional ou internacional ou apresentado em congresso científico nacional ou internacional relativo ao Ensino da Engenharia, da autoria de um docente ou grupo de docentes do Ensino Superior, Universitário ou Politécnico, de uma Escola Superior de Engenharia, da Região Centro de Portugal (distritos de Coimbra, Aveiro, Leiria, Viseu, Guarda e Castelo Branco). O valor do prémio é de 2500 Euros.
E um prémio, que distingue o melhor trabalho da autoria de um aluno ou grupo de alunos do Ensino Secundário ou do Ensino Básico, relativo a Engenharia ou Tecnologia, de Escolas localizadas na Região Centro (distritos de Coimbra, Aveiro, Leiria, Viseu, Guarda e Castelo Branco), individualmente ou em grupo com o máximo de três elementos. O valor deste prémio é de 2000 Euros.,
J. Calvillo,
J.G. Guilherme,
N. Horta,
Silver Leaf Award,
Silver Leaf Award for Design of a BGR suitable for The Space Industry with Performance of 1.25 V with 0.758 ppm/°C TC from - 55° to 125°C in New Generation of Circuit and Systems Conference.,
R. M. Martins,
A. Canelas,
N. Lourenço,
N. Horta,
Best Paper Award at International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD),
"On-the-fly exploration of placement templates for analog IC layout-aware sizing methodologies," , in International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Lisboa, Portugal, June 2016.,
C. Silva,
J.G. Guilherme,
SCALES: A high speed simulator tool for pipeline A/D converters,
Proc. International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Lisbon, Portugal, Jun. 2016. (SMACD 2016 - 1st Prize Awarded in the Analog IC Design Automation Competition),
M. C. R. Medeiros,
H.L. Gomes,
L. Alcácer,
Elsevier/Sensing & Bio-Sensing Research Award 2015,
For research entitled ‘Ink-jet printed polymer electrodes to record extracellular calcium waves produced by neural cell populations in vitro’ presented on 13th May at the E-MRS symposium Materials and Biosensor Systems for in-vitro diagnostic applications,
R. M. Martins,
N. Lourenço,
A. Canelas,
R. P. Póvoa,
N. Horta,
1st Ranked on “Design Automation Competition” at International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD),
"AIDA: Robust Layout-Aware Synthesis of Analog ICs including Sizing and Layout Generation" at International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Istanbul, Turkey.,
R. M. Martins,
N. Lourenço,
N. Horta,
Silver Leaf Best Paper Award at IEEE Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME),
“Analog IC Placement using Absolute Coordinates and a Hierarchical Combination of Pareto Optimal Fronts”, in IEEE Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), Glasgow, Scotland, June 2015.,
R. P. Póvoa,
N. Lourenço,
N. Horta,
JG Goes,
Nominee for Best Student Paper Award at IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),
A Voltage-Combiners-Biased Amplifier with Enhanced Gain and Speed using Current Starving, Lisboa, Portugal.,
R. P. Póvoa,
R. Lourenço Lourenço,
N. Lourenço,
A. Canelas,
R. M. Martins,
N. Horta,
Best Student Paper Award Runner-Up at IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),
LC-VCO Automatic Synthesis Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Techniques, Melbourne, Australia.,
J. Farinhas,
Q. Ferreira,
A. Charas,
J. Morgado,
Controlling the Morphologies on Solar Cells Based on Cross-linked Semiconducting Polymers at the Nanoscale,
Best Poster Award in the 1st Cluster Workshop in Materials and Nanotechnology on December 4 – 6, 2013,
F. Passos,
E. Roca,
M. Fino,
Outstanding Paper Award,
Outstanding Paper Award in MIXDES 2013,
R. M. Martins,
N. Lourenço,
S. R. Rodrigues,
J.G. Guilherme,
N. Horta,
Honourable Mention on “Design Automation Competition” at International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD),
“AIDA: Automated Analog IC Design Flow from Circuit Level to Layout”, in International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Seville, Spain, Sep. 2012.,
Q. Ferreira,
L. Alcácer,
J. Morgado,
Electrical transport in molecular wires of zinc octaethylporphyrins linked by bipyridines,
Conference Participation Grant - 11th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, Barcelona,
A. T. P. Pereira,
Q. Ferreira,
E. Pecoraro,
C. S. R. F. Ferreira,
J. Morgado,
L. Alcácer,
Inkjet printing of organic field-effect transistors using biocellulose derivative materials,
Best poster in the XXII Encontro Nacional da SPQ,
DG Guilherme,
J.G. Guilherme,
N. Horta,
Best Student Paper Award,
The International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design - SM2ACD 2010 - best student paper award for the paper entitled ''Automatic Topology Selection and Sizing of Class-D Loop-Filters for Minimizing Distortion'',
R. T. Henriques,
Estímulo à Excelência- FCT, Portugal,
Researchers with more than 100 publications and over 500 citations referred in the Science Citation Index of ISI Web of Knowledge were awarded in 2005 by FCT- Foundation for Sience and Technology, Portugal, according to rules published in 2004.,