Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications


Coordinator: Fernando Jose da Silva Velez
Thematic Line:Wireless Technologies
Group:Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv


IT Branch – Covilhã
Faculdade de Engenharia
Tel: 275329953
Fax: 275329972

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The Telecommunications Laboratory in Covilhã hosts WE-MOVE (A Team for Wireless Planning for Mobile and Vehicular Technologies) and runs several projects on cellular planning and deployment of wireless and mobile communications, including WLANs (IEEE 802.11), WMANS (IEEE 802.16) and Enhanced UMTS. Cross-layer design issues are being addressed for the optimisation of the inter-working among different legacy and wireless systems.

Our measurement capabilities include the potentialities incorporated into WiMAX and Wi-FI equipment (together with GPS), and a spectrum analyser with special software modules for Wi-Fi and WiMAX easurements.

Other important topics are multi-service traffic modelling and analysis in the context of high mobility and cost/revenue performance of advanced mobile communication systems.