Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications
... Joao Nuno Pimentel da Silva Matos

Senior Researcher

João Matos

Academic position: Associate Professor
Joining date: 01-01-1999
Roles in IT: Senior Researcher
Thematic Line: Wireless Technologies
Group: Radio Systems – Av

Email: Send Email
Address: IT – Aveiro
Instituto de Telecomunicações
Campus Universitário de Santiago
Tel: +351 234 377 900
Fax: +351 234 377 901

Alternative Personal Web Page

Scientific Achievements

  • PhD, Universidade de Aveiro, 17-11-1995
  • MSc, Universidade de Coimbra, 01-01-1989
  • Licenciatura, Universidade de Aveiro, 01-01-1982
  • Universidade de Aveiro, 01-01-1983, Professor Associado
  • IEEE, , Member
  • Ordem dos Engenheiros, , Membro efectivo
  • RF/MW Electronic Circuits and Systems
  • Radar
  • Smart antennas
  • Wireless Power Transmission
As Supervisor
As Co-supervisor
  • T. Varum, J. N. Matos, P. Pinho, Detect and Pointing Algorithms Performance for a 2D Adaptive Antenna Array, Chapter in, Antenna Arrays and Beam-formation, Prof. Modar Shbat, Intech Open, Rijeka-Croatia, 2017
  • A. Boaventura, R. D. Fernandes, J. N. Matos, N.B.C. Carvalho, Unconventional RFID Systems, Chapter in, Green RFID Systems, Luca Roselli, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Currently running projects1

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
ORCIP Optical Radio Convergence Infrastructure for Communications and Power Delivering PO Centro 01-05-2017 30-04-2029

Closed Projects16

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
BEACON ScalaBle & Low-Power Microwave Photonics for FlexiblE, TerAbit Telecom Payloads & High-speed Coherent Inter-satellite LiNks EU/FP7 01-02-2014 01-02-2017
FERROVIA 4.0 SI I&DT Empresarial (Programas Mobilizadores) Nr. 046111 - FERROVIA 4.0 P2020 01-07-2020 30-06-2023
GAMACHIP SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 033688 - GAMACHIP Plataforma SDR integrada e multifuncional para comunicações espaciais P2020 01-06-2018 30-11-2020
Headway DSRC 5,9GHz BIT/BRISA 01-01-2010 01-12-2010
HEADWAY DSRC 5,9GHz BRISA 01-01-2009 01-12-2009
HEADWAY DSRC 5,9GHz BIT/BRISA 01-01-2011 01-12-2012
ICSI Intelligent Cooperative Sensing for Improved traffic efficiency EC/FP7 01-11-2012 01-12-2015
INFANTE SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 024534 - INFANTE Satélite para aplicações marítimas e comunicações a partir de constelações P2020 01-11-2017 31-10-2021
LOPES Person Location ADI, TELESAL 01-03-2007 01-07-2008
PHOAM Photonic Assisted Multibeam Phased Array Antenna ESA 01-04-2022 30-06-2024
RETIOT Utilização de Tecnologias de Reflectometría no melhoramento do futuro Internet das Coisas e Sistemas Ciber-Físicos P2020 09-01-2017 30-06-2021
RFID - Sticker Tags Sistemas RFID - Sticker Tags 01-01-2013 01-12-2013
RFoF DSRC Fiber Optic connection to the antenna DSRC 01-01-2014 01-12-2014
SPIDER Sensor Platform & network for Indoor Deployment and Exterior-based Radiofrequency awareness EU/H2020 01-11-2016 01-11-2017
SST 2020 Space Surveillance and Tracking 2020 EU/H2020, Ministério da Defesa 26-05-2020 30-06-2023
STRx SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 033623 - STRx - Sistema de transmissão e receção de sinal de orientação eletrónica para a próxima geração de constelações de satélites P2020 01-05-2019 31-12-2022
  • M. S. Neves, A. Ramos, F. A. Antunes, J. Maltez Maltez, V. Fernandes Fernandes, J. N. Matos, Third Place Award for Student Design Contest at the 2021 IEEE AP-S USNC-URSI, Design of an Array for DOA Detection and Visualization, granting the third place in the Student Design Contest at the 2021 IEEE AP-S USNC-URSI, Singapore, 2021., 31-12-2021
  • A. Ramos, D. R. H. Helena, T. Varum, J. N. Matos, 3D Printed Horn Antenna for Satellite Communication Systems, Third Place Award for Best Student Paper Award from 14th Congress of the Portuguese Committee of URSI with the paper "3D Printed Horn Antenna for Satellite Communication Systems"., 01-12-2020
  • A. Ramos, T. Varum, J. N. Matos, Smart Antennas for the Future Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations, Best Pitch Electrical Engineering in Research Day of University of Aveiro in June 24-26, 2020, 01-06-2020
  • J.B.S.C. CAIADO, T. Varum, J. N. Matos, Ultra-wideband Log-periodic Antenna Array for LEO Constellations Terminals, 3rd Place for Best Student Paper Award from 13th Congress of the Portuguese Committee of URSI with the paper "Ultra-wideband Log-periodic Antenna Array for LEO Constellations Terminals", 17-12-2019, 01-12-2019
  • J. N. Matos, A. Rocha, L. S. L. Leitão, M. S. Neves, T. Ferreira, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society 2019 Contest Student 2nd Place Award, Goal: Propose a setup that characterizes/demonstrates the properties of an antenna system and provide educational material to explain these properties. Specifications The setup must be able to measure/demonstrate some properties of an antenna system. These properties include (but are not limited to) impedance, efficiency, frequency of operation, bandwidth, gain, polarization, beam width, RCS, MIMO performance… The results must be displayed in real time. The setup and procedure must be easy to understand for non-specialists. The setup must be easy to reproduce in a classroom. The setup must be designed using the non-dedicated/non-specialized equipment. The teams are encouraged to use devices as mobile phones, small drones, or any commercially available device that is NOT specifically intended for antenna/RF testing. The teams have to explain the theory behind their demonstration setup in a simple way (so that it can be understood by non-engineers.) Step-by-step instructions to allow reproducing the system for anyone who wants to use it for teaching purposes have to be provided. Merit will be assigned to designs based on the following criteria, equally weighted: - Creativity and justification of the design; - Capability of the system to show the properties of the system under test; - Use of non-standard equipment and DIY strategies; - Quality of the experimental model and results; - Educational value and clarity of the DIY/demonstration instructions. Existing licensed software at the university (e.g., electromagnetic simulation software) or free software may be used. Any other commercial software used for the project should be included in the budget. The total production cost for the entire system must be less than US$1,500., 01-07-2019
  • R. D. Fernandes, J. N. Matos, N.B.C. Carvalho, Wireless energy harvesting design competition at the International Microwave Symposium, Second place, 01-05-2015
  • R. D. Fernandes, J. N. Matos, N.B.C. Carvalho, Research day 2014 at the University of Aveiro (poster session), Best poster award, 01-06-2014
  • R. D. Fernandes, J. N. Matos, N.B.C. Carvalho, Wireless Power Transfer Conference 2014, Best paper award, 01-05-2014
  • R. D. Fernandes, N.B.C. Carvalho, J. N. Matos, Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge 2011, Winner of the MSc category, 01-10-2011
  • IEEE International Microwave Workshop Series on ''RF Front-ends for Software Defined and Cognitive Radio Solutions'' - IMWS, Organizing Committee, 2011
  • IEEE Transactions on Education
    2012, 1 review(s);