Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications
... Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes


Carlos Fernandes

Academic position: Associate Professor
Joining date: 01-01-1999
Roles in IT: Researcher
Thematic Line: Optics and Photonics
Group: Optical Communication Systems and Networking – Lx

Email: Send Email
Address: IT – Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico - Torre Norte - Piso 10
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049 - 001 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 841 84 54
Fax: +351 21 841 84 72

Alternative Personal Web Page

Scientific Achievements

  • Agregação, Instituto Superior Técnico, 01-01-2004
  • PhD, Instituto Superior Técnico, 11-07-1988
  • Licenciatura, Instituto Superior Técnico, 01-06-1976
  • Instituto Superior Técnico/Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 11-07-1988, Assistant Professor
As Supervisor
As Co-supervisor
  • C. F. Fernandes, J. Morgado, The Static and Dynamic Transfer-Matrix-Method in the Analysis of Distributed-Feedback Lasers, Chapter in, Numerical Simulations of Physical and Engineering Processes, INTECH Open Acess Publisher, In-Tech, 2011
  • R. Raimundo, Ricardo A. Marques Lameirinhas Lameirinhas, C. F. Fernandes, J. Torres, Comparative Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Solar Cells, Telecoms Conference (ConfTELE), Leiria, Portugal, February, 2021 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Effect of the Collector Geometry in the Concentrating Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Cell Performance, Sdewes Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October, 2017 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, J. Torres, Stationary Solar Concentrating Photovoltaic-Thermal Collector –Cell String Layout, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control IEEE-PEMC, varna, Bulgaria, Vol. 0, pp. 0 - 0, September, 2016,
    | Abstract
    | Full text (PDF 432 KBs) | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, J. Torres, Analysis of different C-PVT reflector geometries, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control IEEE-PEMC, varna, Bulgaria, Vol. 0, pp. 0 - 0, September, 2016,
    | Abstract
    | Full text (PDF 1 MB) | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, J. Torres, Aging of Solar PV plants and mitigation of their consequences, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control IEEE-PEMC, varna, Bulgaria, Vol. 0, pp. 0 - 0, September, 2016,
    | Abstract
    | Full text (PDF 1 MB) | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, J. Torres, Cell String Layout in Stationary Solar Concentrating Solar PV Collectors, SEE SDEWES, Piran, Slovenia, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2016 | BibTex
  • J. Torres, C. F. Fernandes, Samuel Nashih Nashih, Shading Effects on Photovoltaic Panels, Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 0, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2015 | BibTex
  • R.N. Nogueira, L. Bilro, C. F. Fernandes, R. Oliveira, J. Heidarialamdarloo, Bragg gratings in plastic optical fibre for communications and sensing applications, Internacional Conf. on Plastic Optical Fibers - POF, Buzios, Brazil, Vol. Proceedinga, pp. 1 - 4, September, 2013 | BibTex
  • J. Torres, C. F. Fernandes, Numerical Analysis of Dieletric Optical Waveguides, Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Castelo Branco, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 25 - 27, May, 2013 | BibTex
  • J. Torres Torres, C. F. Fernandes, Numerical Analysis of Dieletric Optical Waveguides, Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Castelo Branco, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 25 - 27, May, 2013 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, J. Morgado, J.M. Boavida, Analysis of Phase-Shift DFB Lasers Using the Dynamic Transfer-Matrix-Method, IEEE II Conf. on Telecommunications - CONATEL 2011, Arequipa, Peru, Vol. -, pp. -1 - -4, May, 2011,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • L. Melo, N. Ângelo, N. Alberto, C. F. Fernandes, J. Monteiro, G. Rego, P. Caldas, R.N. Nogueira, Comparative study of different parameters of fibre Bragg gratings and long period gratings sensors for high-temperature measurements, International Conf. on Applications of Optics and Photonics - AOP, Braga, Portugal, Vol. SPIE V8001, pp. 800123.1 - 800123.7, May, 2011 | BibTex
  • J.M. Boavida, C. F. Fernandes, J. Morgado, Improvements on Phase-Shifted Distributed-Coupling-Coefficient Distributed Feedback Laser Structures for Single Longitudinal Mode Operation, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. - PIERS, Xi'an, China, Vol. 1, pp. 1231 - 1235, March, 2010,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • J.M. Boavida, C. F. Fernandes, J. Morgado, On the Performance of DFB Laser Structures Specially Designed for Directly-Modulated Optical Communication Systems, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp. - PIERS, Xi'an, China, Vol. 1, pp. 1236 - 1240, March, 2010,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • J.M. Boavida, J. Morgado, C. F. Fernandes, Easily feasible high-yield DFB laser with high power efficiency and tight wavelength tolerance, IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS, Antalya, Turkey, Vol. 1, pp. 843 - 844, October, 2009,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • J.M. Boavida, C. F. Fernandes, J. Morgado, Optimization of a Corrugation-Pitch-Modulated Distributed-Coupling-Coefficient Laser Structure, IASTED International Conf. on Wireless and Optical Communications - WOC, Banff,Alberta, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 88 - 93, July, 2009,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • J.M. Boavida, C. F. Fernandes, J. Morgado, Improvements on Corrugation Pitch Modulated Distributed Coupling Coefficient Distributed Feedback Laser Structures for Single Longitudinal Mode Operation, International Conf. on Transparent Networks – Mediterranean Winter - ICTON MW, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. We.D5.4 - We.D5.4, July, 2009,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • J. Morgado, C. F. Fernandes, J.M. Boavida, Above-threshold analysis in an optimized three phase-shift DFB laser structure for stable single-mode operation, International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON, São Miguel, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, June, 2009 | BibTex
  • J.M. Boavida, C. F. Fernandes, J. Morgado, Near Threshold Regime Optimization of a Corrugation-Pitch-Modulated DFB Laser Structure with Inhomogeneous Coupling Coefficient, Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, St Maria da Feira, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 343 - 346, May, 2009,
    | Abstract
    | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, J. Morgado, On the Optimization of Three Phase-Shift Distributed Feedback Laser Structures Using Matrix Techniques, IASTED International Conf. on Wireless and Optical Communications - WOC, Quebec, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 151 - 157, May, 2008,
    | Abstract
    | Full text (PDF 201 KBs) | BibTex
  • J. Morgado, C. F. Fernandes, Optimisation of a single phase-shift distributed coupling coefficient DFB laser structure near threshold regime, IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON, Ajaccio, France, Vol. 1, pp. 222 - 228, May, 2008,
    | Abstract
    | Full text (PDF 297 KBs) | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Two DFB Laser Structures Suuitable for SLM Operation, International Symp. on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering - ISEF, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, pp. 92 - 92, September, 2007 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, A comparative analyis of DFB laser structures using matrix techniques, Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Peniche, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 275 - 278, May, 2007 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Matricial Techniques in the Analysis of DFB Laser Structures, International Symp. on Electromagnetic, Maribor, Slovenia, Vol. 1, pp. 183 - 184, June, 2006 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Rendimento de Modo Único em Lasers de Retroacção Distribuída com Faces Reflectoras, Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia, Granada, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1.1 - 1.11, July, 2005 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Asymmetric QWS DFB Laser Diodes, IEEE AFRICON Conf. in Africa, Gaberone, Botswana, Vol. 2, pp. 1037 - 1042, September, 2004 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Stability in Single Longitudinal Mode Operation in DFB Laser Structures, IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vol. I, pp. 3 - 6, May, 2004 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Structural Impact on the DFB Laser Performance above Threshold, Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Vilamoura, Portugal, Vol. I, pp. 1.43 - 1.46, July, 2003 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, DFB Laser Diodes for Single Longitudinal Mode Operation, Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 205 - 208, June, 2003 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Hole-burning effects in conventional and modified distributed feedback laser structures, SPIE's Symp. on Integrated Optoelectronics, San Jose, United States, Vol. 4646, pp. 19 - 26, January, 2002 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Threshold and Above-Threshold Performance of Various Distributed Feedback Laser Diodes, Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 18 - 20, April, 2001 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Above Threshold Analysis of modified DFB laser structures, Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits - EPNC, Cracóvia, Poland, Vol. 1, pp. 175 - 178, September, 2000 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Mode selectivity in bulk and quantum well DFB lasers, Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microelectrónica, João Pessoa, Brazil, Vol. 1, pp. 580 - 583, August, 2000 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Hole burning corrections in the stationary analysis of DFB Laser Diodes, International Conf. on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, Antalya, Turkey, Vol. I, pp. 10 - 13, September, 1999 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, The effect of Phase-Shift position on the characteristics of InGaAsP QW Distributed Feedback Laser Diodes, International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT, Sesimbra, Portugal, Vol. Actas, pp. 10 - 20, April, 1999 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Threshold Analysis of Phase-Shifted Distributed Feedback Lasers, IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Vol. II, pp. 1436 - 1439, May, 1998 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, J. T. Pereira, Transitórios em lasers de poços quânticos múltiplos do tipo Fabry-Pérot, Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 533 - 536, April, 1997 | BibTex
  • A. L. Ribeiro, C. F. Fernandes, Large Signal Transient Response of Long-Wavelength Injection Lasers, Bari, Italy, Vol. 2, pp. -, May, 1996 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, A. Serra, A. L. Ribeiro, J. T. Pereira, Large signal transient response of long wavelength injection lasers, IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON, Bari, Italy, Vol. II, pp. 680 - 683, May, 1996 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, A. L. Ribeiro, Near Threshold Regime in Quantum Well Lasers, IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON, Bari, Italy, Vol. I, pp. 428 - 431, May, 1996 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, A. Serra, A. L. Ribeiro, J. T. Pereira, On the influence of the quantum well structure on the definition of the threshold condition in MQW lasers, Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 456 - 459, July, 1995 | BibTex
  • A. Serra, J. T. Pereira, C. F. Fernandes, A. L. Ribeiro, Carrier and radiation confinement in a DFB multiple quantum well Laser, IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON, Antalya, Turkey, Vol. 2, pp. 564 - 567, April, 1994 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, Almost Ballistic Effects in Submicron Devices, Jornadas Hispano Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, Barcelona, Spain, Vol. II, pp. 717 - 721, July, 1993 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, A. Serra, A. L. Ribeiro, J. T. Pereira, A simple Model for a graded-index separate confinement heterostructure-single quantum well laser, Jornadas Hispano Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, Barcelona, Spain, Vol. II, pp. 697 - 706, July, 1993 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, H. Santos, A. Marty, J. Bailbé, A. Serra, Experimental results on the GaAs/AlGaAs isotype n heterojunction, Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Coimbra, Portugal, Vol. III, pp. 95 - 101, July, 1991 | BibTex
  • A. Serra, C. F. Fernandes, H. Abreu Santos, A. Marty, J. Bailbé, G. Rey, Experimental results on the GaAs/Al0.5Ga0.5As isotype n heterojunction, Jornadas Hispano Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, Coimbra, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 5.102 - 5.108, June, 1991 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, A Monte Carlo matricial method for vthe Numerical Simulation of Almost Ballistic Transport in a GaAs Submicron Structure, Jornadas Hispano Lusas de Ingenieria Eléctrica, Vigo, Spain, Vol. 2, pp. 1467 - 1473, July, 1990 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, A. Serra, Hot electron launching using the AlçGaAs/GaAs n-n heterojunction, Simpósio Brasileiro de Microondas e Optoelectrónica, João Pessoa, Brazil, Vol. 1405, pp. 129 - 137, July, 1990 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, A. Marty, H. Abreu Santos, G. Rey, J. Bailbé, Modelos de Heterojunção isotipo GaAlAs/GaAs, Simpósio de Electrónica das Telecomunicações, Matosinhos, Portugal, Vol. A, pp. 5 - 10, May, 1988 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, H. Abreu Santos, Dispositivos Semicondutores vutilizando transporte quse-balístico, Congresso da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Porto, Portugal, Vol. 2, pp. 10 - 12, January, 1988 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, H. Abreu Santos, Dispositivos Semicondutores de heterojunção, Congresso da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Porto, Portugal, Vol. 2, pp. 14 - 16, January, 1988 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, H. Abreu Santos, Numerical Simulation of Almost Ballistic Effects in Gunn Diodes, IEEE - International Symp. on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Karlsruhe, Germany, Vol. 2A, pp. 55 - 62, July, 1987 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, H. Abreu Santos, Contactos catódicos na simulação de díodos de transferência de electrões (TED), Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Eléctrica - ENDIEL, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 87 - 95, January, 1987 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, H. Abreu Santos, Estudo do transporte de carga em junções pn de GaAs, Simpósio de Electrónica das Telecomunicações, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 324 - 327, May, 1986 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, H. Abreu Santos, Simulação do transporte de carga em junções pn por um método de Monte Carlos, Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Eléctrica - ENDIEL, Porto, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 55 - 64, May, 1985 | BibTex
  • C. F. Fernandes, H. Abreu Santos, Modelos de heterojunção, Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Eléctrica - ENDIEL, Porto, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 65 - 76, May, 1985 | BibTex

Currently running projects1

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
PTQCI Portuguese Quantum Communications Infrastructure - PTQCI EU 01-01-2023 30-06-2025

Closed Projects2

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
ART ART - Cooperation with AR Telecom in Propagation and Radio Communications AR Telecom 01-03-2007 01-06-2008
FIVER Fully-Converged Quintuple-Play Integrated Optical-Wireless Access Architectures EU/FP7 01-01-2010 01-12-2012