Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications
... Rogério Nunes Nogueira

Senior Researcher

Rogério Nogueira

Academic position: Researcher
Joining date: 01-01-1999
Roles in IT: Senior Researcher
Thematic Line: Optics and Photonics
Group: Optical Sensors and Integrated Photonics - Av

Email: Send Email
Address: IT – Aveiro
Instituto de Telecomunicações
Campus Universitário de Santiago
Tel: +351 234 377 900
Fax: +351 234 377 901

Scientific Achievements

  • PhD, Universidade de Aveiro, 18-04-2005
  • Licenciatura, Universidade de Aveiro, 01-06-1998
  • Instituto Politécnico Saúde Norte, 01-01-2009,
  • Nokia Siemens Networks, 01-01-2009,
  • Optical Technologies, Universidade de Aveiro, Phd programme in Physics
  • Devices and Sensors, Universidade de Aveiro, PhD programme in Physics
  • Development and Chasracterization of Materials, Universidade de Aveiro, Physics Engineering
  • Física Mecânica, ,
  • Óptica e Electromagnetismo, ,
  • Optica Biomédica, Universidade de Aveiro, PhD programme in Physics
  • Física Mecânica, , Engenharia Biomédica
  • Electromagnetismo e Optica, , Engenharia Biomedica
  • Electromagnetismo e Optica, ,
  • Electromagnetismo e Optica, , Engenahria Biomedica
As Supervisor
As Co-supervisor
As Supervisor
As Co-supervisor
  • R.N. Nogueira, V. C. Duarte, J. Prata, G WINZER, L. Zimmermann Zimmermann, R. Walker, S CLEMENTS, M. Filipowicz, M. Napierala, T. Nasilowski, J. Crabb, L. Stampoulidis Stampoulidis, J ANZALCHI, M. V. Drummond, BEACON: in the next generation ground radars and radio telescopes infrastructures – the SKA project opportunity, Chapter in, Portuguese SKA White Book, UA Editora – Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, 2020
  • R. Oliveira, L. Bilro, R.N. Nogueira, Principles of Polymer Optical Fibers, Chapter in, Plastic Optical Fiber Sensors Science, Technology and Applications, Marcelo M. Werneck, Regina Célia S. B. Allil, CRC-Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, 2019
  • F. Sequeira, R.N. Nogueira, L. Bilro, Chemical Sensing with POF, Chapter in, Plastic Optical Fiber Sensors, Marcelo M. Werneck, Regina Célia S. B. Allil, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 2019
  • D. Duarte, R.N. Nogueira, L. Bilro, Optical Fiber Sensing Principles, Chapter in, Plastic Optical Fiber Sensors: Science, Technology and Applications, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2019
  • R. Oliveira, F. Sequeira, L. Bilro, R.N. Nogueira, Polymer Optical Fiber Sensors and Devices, Chapter in, Handbook of Optical Fibers, Gang Ding Peng, Springer, Singapore, Singapore, 2018
  • N. Alberto, L. Bilro, P. Antunes, C. Leitão Leitão, H. Lima, P.S André, R.N. Nogueira, J. L. Pinto, Optical Fiber Technology for eHealthcare, Chapter in, Handbook of Research on ICTs and Management Systems for Improving Efficiency in Healthcare and Social Care, Maria Cruz-Cunha, Isabel Miranda, and Patricia Gonçalves, IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference, USA, 2013
  • R.N. Nogueira, L. Bilro, N. Alberto, H. Lima, J. L. Pinto, Optical Fiber Sensors, Chapter in, Optical, Acoustic, Magnetic, and Mechanical Sensor Technologies, Krzysztof Iniewski, CRC-Taylor & Francis Group, 2013
  • R.N. Nogueira, L. Bilro, N. Alberto, H. Lima, J. L. Pinto, Optical Fiber Sensors: Devices and Techniques, Chapter in, in Smart Sensors for Industrial Applications, Krzysztof Iniewski, CRC-Taylor & Francis Group, 2013
  • P. Antunes, H. Lima, N. Alberto, L. Bilro, A. Costa, H. Rodrigues Rodrigues, J. L. Pinto, R.N. Nogueira, H Varum, P.S André, Optical sensors based on FBG for structural health monitoring, Chapter in, New Developments in Sensing Technology for Structural Health Monitoring, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Springer, 2011
  • R.N. Nogueira, O. Abe, H. Kalinowsky, Fiber Bragg Gratings in High Birefringence Optical Fibers, Chapter in, Optical Fibers Research Advances, Jürgen C. Schlesinger, Nova Publisher, 2008
  • R.N. Nogueira, O. Abe, H. Kalinowsky, Fiber Bragg gratings in high birefringence optical fibers, Chapter in, Telecommunications research trends, Hans F. Ulrich;Ernst P. Lrman., Nova Publisher, New York, 2008

Currently running projects3

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
ALERT-PFAS Estratégia transnacional para detectar e prevenir a poluição por PFAS Interreg Sudoe 01-01-2024 31-12-2026
AM-OPTICAL Additive Manufacturing for the next generation of freeform optical components FCT 01-01-2022 30-06-2025

Closed Projects45

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
(NeCiRA) New Challenges in Raman amplification FCT/GRICES 01-11-2010 01-10-2013
ANION Optical Sensors and Nanomaterials for Anion Recognition FCT/PTDC 01-04-2010 01-04-2013
AQUATICsens AQUATICsens - wAter QUAlity assessment using Fibre OpTICs SENSors FCT/POCI 01-06-2018 31-03-2022
ARPA Techniques and Algorithms for Raman Multi-Pump Allocation FCT/POSC 01-06-2005 01-12-2007
BEACON ScalaBle & Low-Power Microwave Photonics for FlexiblE, TerAbit Telecom Payloads & High-speed Coherent Inter-satellite LiNks EU/FP7 01-02-2014 01-02-2017
BONE BONE EU/FP7 01-01-2008 01-12-2010
BP-LX BioPlus-Lx IT/LA 01-07-2020 31-07-2021
BRAGG Estabilizacao de Redes de Bragg para Aplicacoes Avancadas FCT/CAPES 01-01-2011 01-12-2013
BRISA Breaking waves Interaction with SAnd transport FCT/PTDC 01-01-2009 01-12-2011
CONPAC CONtention free all-optical PACket switch (CONPAC) FCT/POSC 15-06-2005 16-06-2007
CONTACT Components and techniques for high capacity optical communications FCT/PTDC 01-01-2011 01-12-2012
ELVIS Inspection Table for photovoltaic modules QREN 01-12-2011 01-11-2013
e-Photon ONe + e-Photon/ONe + – Optical Networks:Towards Bandwidth Manageability and Cost Efficiency EU 01-03-2006 28-02-2008
EURO-FOS EURO-FOS EU/FP7 01-05-2008 01-06-2010
FEFOF Fuse effect on optical fibers FCT/PTDC 01-11-2007 01-10-2010
FireTec Forest Fire Detection and Alarming Using Existing Telecommunications Infrastructure IT 01-09-2020 31-08-2023
FOPE-ComSens Helically Twisted Polymer Optical Fibres for High Capacity Short Range Communications and Wearable Flexible Smart Sensors FCT 29-03-2021 28-12-2024
GPON GPON-IN-A-BOX PT Inovação 01-01-2010 01-12-2011
GRASS-LIGHT SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 047096 - GRASS-LIGHT: Filamento para Relva Sintética Sustentável, Fotoluminescente e Retroiluminada P2020 01-05-2021 30-06-2023
HiPOF Paving the way for high capacity POF based communication systems FCT/PTDC 01-01-2016 01-07-2018
ISIS InfraStructures for broadband access in wireless/photonics and Integration of Strengths in Europe EU 01-01-2006 31-12-2008
LoCOPON LOCO-PON(LOw COst PON) PT Inovação 01-10-2006 01-03-2008
MCTechs Multicore fibers technologies for high-capacity Optical Networks FCT/POCI 14-05-2018 14-10-2021
MOTION Monitoring and compensaTion of Impairments in Optical Networks FCT/PTDC 01-11-2007 01-05-2010
NESH Development of novel sensors for hemodynamics characterization FCT/PTDC 01-05-2010 01-05-2013
nodeSipher Nonlinear modeling of silicon photonics electro-optic modulators IT/LA 01-01-2017 01-12-2018
OreO Organic/Inorganic hybrids for Integrated Optics FCT/POCI 01-03-2005 01-12-2007
Oreo2 Organic/Inorganic hybrids for Integrated Optics - 2 FCT/PTDC 01-12-2007 01-11-2010
Panorama Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Telecomunicações sustentado em Plataformas Ópticas e de Rádio Avançadas com gestão integrada PT Inovação 01-01-2009 01-06-2011
PHOAM Photonic Assisted Multibeam Phased Array Antenna ESA 01-04-2022 30-06-2024
PIC Photonic Integrated Circuits for NGPON2 PT Inovação 01-05-2013 01-12-2014
PMD Polarization Mode Dispersion in High-Speed Optical Communication Systems FCT/POSI 01-01-2004 31-07-2007
POFCOM Bragg Gratings in Plastic Optical Fibre for communications and sensing applications FCT/PTDC 01-01-2012 01-07-2014
QuantumMining Quantum Primitives for Privacy Preserving Data Mining FCT 01-09-2018 28-02-2022
RaTON Radio Techniques over Optical access Networks IT/LA 01-09-2005 01-05-2007
ROFWDM Design and Optimisation of WDM Millimetre-Wave Fibre-Radio Systems FCT/PTDC 01-11-2007 01-11-2010
SARDANA Scalable Advanced Ring-based passive Dense Access Network Architecture (SARDANA) EU/FP7 01-01-2008 01-12-2010
SCoT Smart Cloud of Things IP Beja 01-01-2015 01-04-2015
SMART Remote Structure Health Monitoring JustBit 01-11-2007 01-04-2011
SUPRESSOR All Optical Side band SUPRESSOR based on SOA’s to operate at 40GBit/s Siemens SA 01-07-2005 02-07-2006
sWAT Next generation Smart Water Grids IT/LA 01-07-2014 01-07-2016
Teclar Alternative techniques for Raman amplification FCT/POCI 01-10-2005 30-09-2007
THRONE Devices and techniques for optical processing in high bit-rate networks FCT/PTDC 01-11-2007 01-10-2010
TRANSFIBRA New optical turbidity sensor based on optical fibers ADI 01-01-2012 01-12-2013
WoNet Wavelength Division Multiplexing and OCDMA for broadcast and Select Networks FCT/POSI 01-05-2002 30-04-2004
  • R.N. Nogueira, Fiber Bragg Gratings: Theory and applications in optical communications
  • European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC, Technical Programme Committee, 2018
  • OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Conference co-chair, 2018
  • International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibres - POF, Conference Chairman, 2017
  • III International Conference on Applications in Optics and Photonics (AOP 2017), Conference co-chair, 2017
  • OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC, Technical Programme Committee, 2017
  • European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors - EWOFS, Technical Programme Committee, 2016
  • SPOF Summer School on Recent Advances in Optics and Photonics, Conference Chairman, 2012
  • International Conf. on Applications of Optics and Photonics - AOP, Conference Chairman, 2011
  • European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC, Technical Programme Committee, 2010
  • European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications - NOC, Sessions Chairman, 2010
  • International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON, Organizing Committee, 2009
  • Symp. Internacional en Comunicación del Conocimiento y Conf. - CCC, Technical Programme Committee, 2007
  • Associate Editor, IET Optoelectronics, 01-07-2018 - 01-07-2021
  • Advisory Board, Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 01-01-2018 - today
  • Editorial Board, International Journal of Optics, 01-01-2013 - today
  • Optical Materials
    2006, 1 review(s);
  • IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
    2007, 1 review(s);
  • Measurement
    2007, 1 review(s); 2006, 1 review(s); 2005, 1 review(s);

  • 2008, 1 review(s);

  • 2007, 1 review(s); 2005, 1 review(s);
  • World MultiConf. on Systemetics, Cibernetics and Informatics - SCI
    2006, 1 review(s); 2003, 1 review(s);
  • International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT
    2006, 1 review(s);
  • Symp. on Enabling Optical Networks - SEON
    2005, 1 review(s);