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Miguel Barreto wins the Best Thesis Award from APDC-CEE

by IT on 20-05-2022
Award Best Thesis Miguel Barreto Information Technology 5G Networks

The Master's dissertation entitled "Provision of multiuser 360º video streaming over MEC-enabled 5G networks”, from Miguel Sampaio Crena Loff Barreto, supervised by António Rodrigues, Paula Queluz and Ivo Sousa, won the 2022 Best Thesis Award in the area of Information Technology, from the Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications and the Consortium of Engineering Schools (APD-CEE).

The dissertation proposes a comparison of different multiuser 360º video streaming solutions and demonstrates the performance gains obtained by using Multi-Acess Edge Computing architecture in 5G network for this service.

The dissertation work was done within the framework of IT internal project PROVEN – Optimizing 360º Video Streaming over Wireless Networks.

The Best Thesis Award 2022, intends to distinguish the best master's theses in the fields of information technology, telecommunications and multimedia. It is part of a partnership between the Consortium of Engineering Schools, which includes Instituto Superior Técnico, and the Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications (APDC).


Photo credits: Axians