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InTele - An initiative for strengthening the training of qualified Human Resources in Telecommunications

by IT on 25-05-2022
Protocol InTele IST Altice Celfinet Cisco Ericsson Huawei Infinera Nokia Nos Thales Vodafone Training Scholarships Research & Development Telecommunications Human Resources

On latest May 17th, also in celebration of World Telecommunication Day, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) signed the InTele protocol, an initiative for strengthening the training of qualified Human Resources, which involves a partnership with 10 companies with activity in the telecommunications sector.

So – states the co-author of the initiative Luís M. Correia, Professor of IST -, "Altice, Celfinet, Cisco, Ericsson, Huawei, Infinera, Nokia, Nos, Thales, and Vodafone, will sponsor activities at various levels, from scholarships to prizes for the best students and joint Master's Theses supported by scholarships, and encompassing job shadowing, hackathons, and training in soft-skills, among others."

This initiative also has the support of the three Research & Development & Innovation institutes included in IST that operate in the field of Telecommunications, that is, IT, INESC-INOV, and INESC-ID.

This joint venture will be strengthening the training of qualified Human Resources in Telecommunications, a field where IT has a special role.

The qualified resources are very needed, with training at the master's level, with basic knowledge appropriate to the requirements of professional careers in the telecommunications area. In the first phase, these human resources will tend to be integrated by companies with activity in this area (which will continue to contribute, through their activity, to strengthening the competitiveness of the economy), but then they will most likely be absorbed by all other economic sectors.

With the expansion of 5G, in the near future, all companies will need to extend to 5G the needs they already have with their computer networks.


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