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Mariana Abreu and Patrícia Bota will be showcasing their research on Girls ICT Day

by IT on 27-04-2023
Workshop Engineers for a Day STEM LABs Girls ICT Day 2023 What do your biosignals say? Biosignals CIG APPDI STEM gap

Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) and the ScientISST biomedical engineering group will take to the STEM Labs the workshop “What do your biosignals say?”

The Ph.D. researchers’ Mariana Abreu and Patrícia Bota, who are carrying out their research in the biomedical area in the Pattern and Image Analysis group at IT Lisbon, will be talking at STEM Labs, to a group of girls from 3rd and secondary school about biosignals, next April 27, on Girls ICT Day 2023.

This group, coordinated by Hugo Silva and Ana Fred, is devoted to advancing the state of the art in methods for the processing and analysis of signals, images, and other types of information.

On this April 27th, “Girls in ICT Day: Digital Skills for Life” is celebrated, and “Engineers for a Day” are organizing the STEM LABS to showcase the work of national young female engineers.

Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género (CIG) and by INCoDe.2030, in conjunction with Associação Portuguesa para a Diversidade e Inclusão (APPDI), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and Ordem dos Engenheiros.

This date intends to draw attention to the critical need of girls and young women to thrive in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers, and women in the ICT sector, to inspire and encourage them to pursue a future in ICTs and to empower them by ensuring they have the necessary skills.



Biographical notes:

Patrícia Bota completed her Master’s in Biomedical Engineering at Universidade NOVA of Lisbon. Currently, she is a Ph.D. student at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), where she is dedicated to the study of human group emotions in a naturalistic context through artificial intelligence algorithms based on physiological data.

Mariana Abreu graduated in Biomedical Engineering at Universidade NOVA of Lisbon in 2018. She is currently working on her Ph.D. at Instituto Superior Técnico, with the theme “a multimodal approach for predicting and monitoring epilepsy”.