Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Out now IT NEWS nr. 105

by IT on 10-04-2023
Cap Tech Space European Defence Agency (EDA) Research Technology Space Defence

In this issue, we highlight the final phase of the journey of ISTSAT_1 before Space, the IT smart infrastructure contributing to the NEXTGEN Mobility testbeds, the participation of IT in Girls ICT Day (org. Engenheiras por um dia), next April 27th, and the first opening of IT Quantum Technologies Lab on Técnico’s Day in May.

We, also, congratulate Daniel Corujo for the distinction of being nominated to the board of one6G association, focused on promoting next-generation cellular and wireless technology-based communications solutions, and listen to Armando Nolasco Pinto in our pod "How cool is your science?" about Q.DOT outcomes project.

Furthermore, as previously promised, we present four Ph.D. students hosted by IT, and interview with the IT alumnus Francisco Melo (and Hugo Plácido da Silva), now CEO of the start-up, and Diogo Matos the IT alumnus with a bright path.



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