Life and work: an interview with Carlos Salema (preview)
Hugo Plácido da Silva was distinguished by IEEE Entrepreneurship Impact Award 2023
Nuno Borges de Carvalho elected to coordinate IEEE's technical activities
Fernando Pereira awarded with 2023 IEEE SPS Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service
ANACOM-URSI awards the scientific work of our researchers
Pedro Escaleira won AP2SI Merit Award and IEEE Portugal Section's Outstanding MSc Thesis Award
PROJECT SNAPSHOT | NextGenAI - Center for Responsible AI
PhDsHostedbyIT | Catching up with...Pedro Gonçalves
PhDsHostedbyIT | Catching up with...Cláudio Rodrigues
WAYN | Catching up with...Filipa Prudêncio
IT Researchers ranked among the Top 2% of Scientists Worldwide by Stanford University
IT integrates the European Project Quantum Secure Networks Partnership
PICadvanced secures 17.4 million to develop optoelectronic components for fiber-to-the-home networks
Pedro Gonçalves won 2023 IEEE Best PhD Thesis Award
Emanuel Marques won this year's edition of the Altice Innovation International Award (AIIA)
PROJECT SNAPSHOT | HALO: Silently Controlled Language Generation
PhDsHostedbyIT | Catching up with... Bahram Khan
PhDsHostedbyIT | Catching up with... Marina Jordão
WAYN | Catching up with... Alireza Sepas-Moghaddam
Editorial by José Carlos Pedro (IT President)
Instituto de Telecomunicações joined ERTICO – ITS Europe
IT project SCOUTE won the 1st position of the Award "Inovação nas Forças Armadas 2023”
IT Huawei-Aveiro RF Technology Joint Lab won the Huawei Corporate-Level Excellent Technical Cooperation Project 2022
RuralTHINGS project is one of the winners of the fifth PROMOVE Program competition
Our researcher Emmanuel Cruzeiro comments on this year’s Noble Prize in Physics awardees
PROJECT SNAPSHOT | Catching up with... Rogério Nogueira (on MAR2PROTECT)
Our latest awarded book editions
PhD Pitch | Catching up with...Vicente Garção
WAYN | Catching up with...Vitor Cunha
Editorial by José Carlos Pedro (President)
E-IDEIA 2023 initiative brings Portuguese Navy to IT
3rd Best conference paper on iWAT 2023
IT researchers elected Presidents and Vice-Presidents of Portuguese Committee of URSI
Miguel Luís had his merit recognized by the 7th Edition of the IPL CGD Scientific Awards
IT researchers nominated to Academia das Ciências de Lisboa
PROJECT SNAPSHOT | Catching up with... Rafael Caldeirinha (on RESCuE-TOOL project)
PhDHostedbyIT | Catching up with... Luís Duarte (Elevator Ph.D. Pitch)
WAYN | Catching up with... Falah Jabar
Editorial by Mário Figueiredo
A tour to the admirable world of quantum and biomedical tech (Técnico's Day)
Instituto de Telecomunicações partner of the consortium for the new Center for Responsible AI
Rafael Caldeirinha elected new President of ANACOM's National Technical Commission for Standardization
Pedro Escaleira won APDC Best Thesis Award in the area of Telecommunications
DeepNeuronic awarded with Cities and Territories of the Future Prize by APDC
Instituto de Telecomunicações participates in three major 6G technology European projects
PROJECT SNAPSHOT | Catching up with... Sérgio Faria (Podcast "How cool is your science?")
PhDshostedbyIT | Catching up with... Mariana Rodrigues (Pitch), Neha Chaudhary and Ivo Soares
WAYN | Catching up with... Mariana Ramos
ISTSat-1 has completed its crucial structural qualification of ESA's Fly Your Satellite! Programme. Now, it‘s ready for the next destination: Space!
Mariana Abreu and Patrícia Bota will be showcasing their research about biosignals on Girls ICT Day
IT Quantum Technologies Laboratory on spotlight on Técnico's Day
IT contribution to the NextGen Mobility testbeds project will speed up mobility and smart infrastructures for Startups and SMEs
Daniel Corujo was elected to the Board of one6G
SPIN-OFF STORIES | Catching up with ...
PROJECT SNAPSHOT | Catching up with ... Q.DOT
PhDshostedbyIT | Catching up with ... Mariana Abreu, Patrícia Bota, Kyatam Shusmitha, Virginie Felizardo
WAYN | Catching up with ... Diogo Matos
André Martins was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to study artificial neural networks applied to natural language processing
Fernando Pereira was awarded the EURASIP 2023 Meritorious Service Award
IT is at the forefront of the development of a new generation of submarine optical fibers
Instituto de Telecomunicações integrates CONNECT5 Consortium
City Catalyst project broadcasted on Exame Informática
HOW COOL IS YOU SCIENCE? | IT Science Talks Series 2023 (Ep. 1 - André Martins)
WHAT'S NEXT for Quantum Information and Technologies? by Paulo André
PhDs Hosted by IT | Pitch by André Guarda
WHERE ARE YOU NOW Ricardo Monteiro?