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Project: LANDAUER - Operating ICT basic switches below the Landauer limit

Main Objective:
The scientific objective of this project is to test the fundamental limits in energy dissipation during the operation of physical switches representing the basic elements of logic gates. We address the physical limits arising from a generic switch mechanism that is common to any digital device, with specific reference to the fundamental limit arising from the decrease of information in the computation procedure, also known as Landauer limit. The technological objective of this project is to introduce new conceptual devices that, through novel computing paradigms with radically improved efficiency, are capable of trading the minimum amount of energy dissipated with the computational precision.
Reference: 318287
Funding: EC/FP7
Start Date: 01-09-2012
End Date: 01-08-2015
Team: Yasser Rashid Revez Omar, Mafalda Ludovino Almeida, Leonardo Filipe Gonçalves Novo
Groups: Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies - Lx
Partners: Universita Degli Studi Di Perugia, Julius-Maximilians Universitaet Wuerzburg, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Techische Universiteit Delft
Local Coordinator: Yasser Rashid Revez Omar

Associated Publications