Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 003522 - IDTS Infotainment Distributed TestSystem

Acronym: IDTS
Main Objective:
Reinforce research, technological development and innovation

Synthesis: Development of a distributed / decentralized test system that allows to perform a wide range of tests with different characteristics (different protocols and technologies, bidirectional / unidirectional communication, different sequences, etc.) in several simultaneous UUTs.

The system will consist of:
- Central rack, consisting of hardware and software components responsible for the generation, modulation and digital transmission of signals (LTE / GSM, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi);
- Local racks distributed in networks, with hardware and software components responsible for converting digital signals from the Rack Central into analog signals. These shall be provided with a PC in which the data resulting from the tests and one or more Vector Signal Generators (VSG) shall be stored for the generation of signals over a wide range of frequencies.
- Single Bidirectional Communication Channel for communication between the Rack Central and the Racks.

Eligible Costs: 1 043 918,53 € (Total) / 161 863,08 € (IT)

Funding (FEDER - COMPETE 2020): 692 688,49 € (Total) / 121 397,31 € (IT)
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-003522
Funding: P2020
Approval Date: 20-10-2015
Start Date: 01-10-2015
End Date: 30-09-2018
Team: Arnaldo da Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira, Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho
Groups: Radio Systems – Av
Local Coordinator: Arnaldo da Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira

Associated Publications