Acronym: MobiWise | File: Ficha do Projeto_MobiWise.pdf |
Main Objective: MobiWise will build a 5G platform that encompasses the access infrastructure filled with sensors, people and vehicles, to improve mobility in the cities, both for commuters and for tourists. The project will connect any sensor, person and vehicle, and will use all possible information to improve the user mobility, through a complete network and services platform for an Internet of Things real deployment in a smart city (scenario figure annex 4 - Outros). Specific examples include eco-urban routing, which requires data from people's smartphones, sensors and transportation to choose the best paths in the city, for commuters that have meetings throughout the city, and for tourists that aim at visiting touristic places. Eligible Costs: 2 454 860,34 € (Total) / 959 502,38€ (IT) Funding (POCI - COMPETE 2020): 2 014 985,55€ (Total) / 815 577,02€ (IT) Funding (Orçamento de Estado - OE): 355 585,69€ (Total) / 143 925,36€ (IT) |
Reference: P2020 SAICTPAC/0011/2015 |
Funding: P2020 |
Start Date: 01-01-2017 |
End Date: 09-01-2021 |
Team: Susana Isabel Barreto Miranda Sargento, Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar, António Damião das Neves Rodrigues, Gonçalo Vasconcelos Cunha Miranda Moreno, Gonçalo Camelo Neves Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho de Almeida, Andre Braga Reis, André Ventura da Cruz Marnoto Zúquete, Nuno Miguel Abreu Luís, Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho, Arnaldo da Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira, Carlos Roberto Senna, Pedro Miranda de Andrade de Albuquerque d´Orey, Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão |
Groups: Network Architectures and Protocols – Av, Networked Systems – Po |
Partners: CISUC, CMUC, TEMA, UA |
Local Coordinator: Susana Isabel Barreto Miranda Sargento |
Associated Publications