WSN Gait Monitoring for Objective Evaluation of Rehabilitation Proces
Postolache, O.
Dias Pereira, J. M.
Girão, P.M.
Viegas, V.
; Postolache, G.
WSN Gait Monitoring for Objective Evaluation of Rehabilitation Proces, Proc Conf. on Electronic Measurement & Instruments - ICEMI, Qingdao, China, Vol. 1, pp. 1637 - 1641, July, 2015.
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A survey of wireless sensor network solutions for gait assessment is presenled inciuding own developed solution gait assessment based on smart insoles nodes ZigBee compatible
characterized by multichannel force measurement and MEMS
inerlial measurement IMU. The system was developed to measure
ground reaction force, acceleration and dtrection offeet in order to
provide Information to physiotherapists for an objective evaluation
of rehabilitation effecliveness. Based on acquired data from the
sensing channels a set of gait fealure extraction such as walking
speed stride lenglh, swing time are calculated as part of gait
analysis. Softvare for WSN node contral, gait feature calculatlon
and primary analysis of rehabilitation effectiveness developed for the physioíherapist was designed and imptemented and preliminary tests were carríed out for normal and simulated anomalous gait.