Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Construction of bar graphs in interdisciplinary contexts

Costa, S. ; Martins, F. ; Duque, I.

Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) Vol. 12, Nº 3, pp. 472 - 494, July, 2020.

ISSN (print): 0972-0871
ISSN (online):

Scimago Journal Ranking: (in )

Digital Object Identifier: 10.17654/MS109010057

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In the society in which we live, we are surrounded by statistical information, where we
obtain results that allow us to analyze the information provided critically, making decisions
responsibly. It is up to the teacher, as a knowledge mediator, to develop practices that promote
the development of skills that allow students to strengthen their statistical knowledge,
reflecting on what is presented to them and, consequently, knowing what the implications
these can have in their lives. The statistical information presented by the media, for the
most part, appears in bar graphs, which requires a detailed look at the data provided.
These representations are approached by students, in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education,
followed by their exploration in the remaining teaching cycles. Therefore, it is essential to
develop statistical literacy in students in a meaningful way, combining context with learning.
Interdisciplinarity is a classroom practice that allows the articulation of several areas of
knowledge, providing an answer to a question-problem in a real context. This study aims
to try to understand the impact that interdisciplinary contexts can have on the development
of the construction of bar graphs. It is a qualitative study, of an interpretative nature and of
research-action design. The results of this study show that the interdisciplinary context can
promote the development of statistical knowledge developed by students for the construction
of graphs with understanding through the exploration of a real life theme, thus providing
significant learning.
Keywords: bar graphs; interdisciplinarity; statistical literacy; elementary school.