Double-shell Modified Extended Hemispherical Lens Feed for Reflectors in Scanning
Fernandes, C. A.
Lima, E.B.
Costa, J.R.
Double-shell Modified Extended Hemispherical Lens Feed for Reflectors in Scanning, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Rome, Italy, Vol. -, pp. 3850 - 3854, April, 2011.
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A new dielectric lens antenna configuration is described, intended to feed a quasi-optical imaging reflector system. The lens is fed at its base by a 5 pixel array, each one producing an output beam after the
reflector with near 61 dBi directivity. The lens is designed in such a way that it produces virtual foci outside the lens body, close to the reflector focal arch. The lens plus reflector system provides a maximum scanning angle of alpha = ±0.36º in elevation with gain scan loss below 1.1dB, while a mechanical rotation of the reflector produces azimuth scan.