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Negative refraction and perfect tunneling of electron waves in graphene superlattices

Fernandes, D. E. ; Silveirinha, M. G. ; Engheta, N.

Negative refraction and perfect tunneling of electron waves in graphene superlattices, Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS, Bordeaux, France, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, September, 2013.

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In this work, we study the transmission of an electron wave propagating in a graphene-based
nanomaterial when it impinges on a slab of another graphene nanomaterial. Using effective-medium
techniques, we computed the reflectivity and transmissivity of the structure, proving that analogous to
electromagnetic metamaterials, the considered structure provides some form of spatial localization and
negative refraction of electrons for all the stationary states associated with a specific value of energy.