DLL architecture for OFDM based VLC
Duarte, L.
; Rodrigues, L.
Figueiredo, M.
Ribeiro, C.
Alves, L.
DLL architecture for OFDM based VLC, Proc IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing - CSNDSP, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. n.a., pp. 1 - 6, July, 2016.
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This paper addresses the problem of achieving high
bandwidth in a DLL design for OFDM based VLC broadcast
systems. It describes the implementation of efficient Data Link
Layer (DLL) and Forward Error Correction (FEC) modules in a
Xilinx FPGA. The proposed DLL aims at furnishing the
adequate means to fragment and route both high data-rate
(HDR) and moderate data-rate (MDR) service requests while
maintaining a continuous transmission flow. The FEC modules
aims at providing sufficient error correction capabilities with
reasonable computation overheads. Another goal was to develop
these modules under a globally asynchronous locally synchronous
paradigm, ensuring high modularity and performance.