Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

A survey on network resiliency methodologies against weather-based disruptions

Medeiros, M. C. R. ; al., et.

A survey on network resiliency methodologies against weather-based disruptions, Proc International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling RNDM, Halmstad, Sweden, Vol. 1, pp. 23 - 34, September, 2016.

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/RNDM.2016.7608264


Due to the increasing dependence on network services of our society, research has recently been concentrating on enhancing traditional protection strategies to withstand large-scale failures, as in case of disaster events. The recently-formed EU-funded RECODIS project aims at coordinating and fostering research collaboration in Europe on disaster resiliency in communication networks. In particular, the Working Group (WG) 2 of the RECODIS project focuses on developing new network-resiliency strategies to survive weather-based disruptions. As a first step, WG2 members have conducted a comprehensive literature survey on existing studies on this topic. This paper classifies and summarizes the most relevant studies collected by WG2 members in this first phase of the project. While the majority of studies regarding weather-based disruptions deals with wireless network (as wireless channel is directly affected by weather conditions), in this survey we cover also disaster-resiliency approaches designed for wired network if they leverage network reconfiguration based on disaster “alerts”, considering that many weather-based disruptions grant an “alert” thanks to weather forecast.