Testing the centralization, heterogeneity and reciprocity levels during passing sequences: an approach with uPATO software
Martins, F.
Nguyen, Q.
Silva, F.
Clemente, F.M.C.
Testing the centralization, heterogeneity and reciprocity levels during passing sequences: an approach with uPATO software, Proc World Conference on Science & Soccer - WCSS , Rennes, France, Vol. 1, pp. 121 - 122, May, 2017.
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General properties of teams during passing sequences can be tested with network measures1,2. The common measures tested in soccer are total links and network density. Nevertheless, the variance of player’s participation can be tested with alternative techniques that may help to characterize the variance of playing style of the teams3. Therefore, this study aims to test the centralization (group degree centralization index), heterogeneity and reciprocity of passing sequences in elite teams that participated in UEFA Champions League 2015/2016. Descriptive statistics will be followed by a correlation test between general network measures and the percentage of ball possession. A split per match score (losing, drawing and winning) will be made to analyze the correlation levels.