Mobile Channel Multipath Measurements and Statistical Characterization in Sub-6 GHz Bands
Ramos, G.
; Ron, C.
Leonor, N.
Faria, S.
; Castellanos, P.
; Mello, L.
Caldeirinha, R. F. S.
Mobile Channel Multipath Measurements and Statistical Characterization in Sub-6 GHz Bands, Proc IEEE SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), Castelldelfs, Spain, Vol. , pp. - , November, 2023.
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This paper compares mobile wideband channel
characteristics obtained from measurements performed at 735
MHz, 2.5 GHz, and 3.5 GHz in urban environments in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. Both macrocell and microcell scenarios were
considered. To characterize the macrocell channel, the
transmitter antenna was installed high above the ground, with
the receiver antenna and equipment in an automotive van ran
along routes up to 1.5 km from the transmitter. The transmitter
antenna was installed on a 3m pole for the microcell
measurements, and the van with the receiver equipment moved
along a few hundred meters paths. Multipath power delay
profiles were obtained using an OFDM sounding technique and
processed to provide average excess delay and RMS delay
spread values. Also, the cumulative distributions of the RMS
delay spread were obtained.