Adaptive local phase approximations and global unwrapping
Bioucas-Dias, J.
; Katkovnik, V.
; Astola, J.
; Egiazarian, K.
Adaptive local phase approximations and global unwrapping, Proc IEEE EUSIPCO 3DTV-Conf.: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video - 3DTV, Istambul, Turkey, Vol. ?, pp. ? - ?, May, 2008.
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The paper introduces a new modulo-2pi phase denoising algorithm
based on local polynomial approximations. The zero
and first order approximations of the phase are calculated in
sliding windows of varying size. The former is used for pointwise
adaptive window size selection, while the latter is used
for filtering the phase in the obtained windows. For unwrapping,
we input the PUMA unwrapping algorithm [1] with
the denoised wrapped phase obtained with the proposed approach.
Simulation shows that this technique enables strong
noise attenuation while preserving image details.