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Using Coarticulation Rules in Automatic Phonetic Transcription

Veiga, A. ; Candeias, S. ; Sá, L. V. ; Perdigão, F.

Using Coarticulation Rules in Automatic Phonetic Transcription, Proc International Conf. on Computational Processing of Portuguese - PROPOR, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Vol. ---, pp. --- - ---, April, 2010.

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Phonetic transcription of continuous speech databases is an important and necessary task for speech synthesis and recognition. Manual transcription requires well-trained experts and is time-consuming. So, it becomes more and more usual to implement automatic or semi-automatic transcription procedures. However, it is well known that pronunciation variations and coarticulation phenomena involve serious problems for automatic transcribers. This paper describes an approach to automatically label a continuous speech database at phonetic level using orthographic transcription (word level) and a set of pre- built acoustic models to deal with pronunciation variations. These pronunciation variations arise from coarticulation phenomena. Common intra-word and trans-word coarticulation phenomena will be described as well.