Using Coarticulation Rules in Automatic Phonetic Transcription
Veiga, A.
Candeias, S.
Sá, L. V.
Perdigão, F.
Using Coarticulation Rules in Automatic Phonetic Transcription, Proc International Conf. on Computational Processing of Portuguese - PROPOR, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Vol. ---, pp. --- - ---, April, 2010.
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Phonetic transcription of continuous speech databases is an important and necessary task for speech synthesis and recognition. Manual transcription requires well-trained experts and is time-consuming. So, it becomes more and more usual to implement automatic or semi-automatic transcription procedures. However, it is well known that pronunciation variations and coarticulation phenomena involve serious problems for automatic transcribers. This paper describes an approach to automatically label a continuous speech database at phonetic level using orthographic transcription (word level) and a set of pre- built acoustic models to deal with pronunciation variations. These pronunciation variations arise from coarticulation phenomena. Common intra-word and trans-word coarticulation phenomena will be described as well.