Optimal Cable Design of Wind Farms: The Infrastructure and Losses Cost Minimization Case
Cerveira, A.
Sousa, A. F.
; Solteiro Pires, E.
; Baptista, JM
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Vol. 31, Nº 6, pp. 4319 - 4329, November, 2016.
ISSN (print): 0885-8950
ISSN (online): 1558-0679
Scimago Journal Ranking: 3,37 (in 2016)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TPWRS.2016.2521700
Wind power is the source of electrical energy that has grown more over the last years, with annual rate in installed capacity around 20%. Therefore, it is important to optimize the production efficiency of wind farms. In a wind farm, the electrical energy is collected at a central substation from different wind turbines placed nearby. This paper addresses the optimal design of the cable network interconnecting the turbines to the substation aiming to minimize not only the infrastructure cost but also the cost of the energy losses in the cables. Although this problem is nonlinear, different integer linear programming models are proposed considering the wind farm technical constraints. The models are applied to three real cases Portuguese wind farms. The computational results show that the proposed models are able to compute the optimal solutions for all cases.