The Design of Transparent Optical Networks Minimizing the Impact of Critical Nodes
Barbosa, F.
Sousa, A. F.
Agra, A.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics Vol. 64, Nº -, pp. 165 - 174, February, 2018.
ISSN (print): 1571-0653
ISSN (online):
Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,35 (in 2018)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.endm.2018.01.018
For a given fiber network and a given set of client demands, the transparent optical network design problem is the task of assigning routing paths and wavelengths for a set of lightpaths able to groom all client demands. We address this design problem minimizing the impact of a given set of critical nodes. The problem is tackled in two steps: first, we minimize the demand that is disrupted by the simultaneous failure of all critical nodes; second, we minimize the network design cost guaranteeing that the minimum disrupted demand is met. We present MILP models for each step, together with valid inequalities strengthening both models. For the second step, an efficient hybrid heuristic is also proposed.