IoT-Based Systems for Soil Nutrients Assessment in Horticulture
Postolache, S. P.
Viegas, V.
Sebastião, P.
Postolache, O.
Cercas, Cercas, F.
Sensors Vol. 23, Nº 1, pp. 403 - 403, December, 2022.
ISSN (print):
ISSN (online): 1424-8220
Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,76 (in 2022)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3390/s23010403
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Soil nutrients assessment has great importance in horticulture. Implementation of an information system for horticulture faces many challenges: (i) great spatial variability within farms (e.g., hilly topography); (ii) different soil properties (e.g., different water holding capacity, different content in sand, sit, clay, and soil organic matter, different pH, and different permeability) for different cultivated plants; (iii) different soil nutrient uptake by different cultivated plants; (iv) small size of monoculture; and (v) great variety of farm components, agroecological zone, and socio-economic factors. Advances in information and communication technologies enable creation of low cost, efficient information systems that would improve resources management and increase productivity and sustainability of horticultural farms. We present an information system based on different sensing capability, Internet of Things, and mobile application for horticultural farms. An overview on different techniques and technologies for soil fertility evaluation is also presented. The results obtained in a botanical garden that simulates the diversity of environment and plant diversity of a horticultural farm are discussed considering the challenges identified in the literature and field research. The study provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the development of technologies that enable horticultural farmers to improve resources management.