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Instrumental Orchestration in the Primary School and the Use of Digital Resources to Link STEM and Art: Systematic Literature Review

Costa, S. ; Costa, C. ; Martins, F. ; Lopes, B.

Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol. 1720, Nº 1, pp. 193 - 210, January, 2023.

ISSN (print): 1865-0929
ISSN (online): 1865-0937

Scimago Journal Ranking: (in )

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/978-3-031-22918-3_15

Curricular articulation allows students to develop skills and competencies in a meaningful way. The primary school is the grade level that most easily promotes this type of approach, given its ease of articulating contents. It is fundamental that digital resources are used in a way that turns them into epistemic tools, that is, tools for learning. The way these tools are orchestrated in the classroom can influence student learning. Thus, it is up to the teacher to use an Instrumental Orchestration that fits the educational specificities of the session. This paper presents a systematic review of the literature on Instrumental Orchestration and curriculum articulation. It intends to present a vision of teaching that uses Instrumental Orchestration for the articulation of science and mathematics education with literature. Fourteen articles were analyzed and the studies contained in them were characterized. We conclude that, although there are studies in these areas, there is still a need for investment in the research of Instrumental Orchestration related to curricular articulation.
Keywords: Instrumental orchestration · Curriculum articulation · Digital resources