Wireless Passive Voting Device and System
Medeiros, C. R.
Costa, J.R.
Fernandes, C. A.
Instituto de Telecomunicações
Invention Title: Wireless Passive Voting Device and System
Patent Nr.: PCT/PT2009/000071
Type: Patent
Regional Coverage: PCT
Priority Date: 09-12-2009
Filing Date: 10-12-2009
The present invention relates to wireless passive voting device comprising at least a carrier layer made of dielectric material over which is arranged a plurality of RFID tags, each RFID tag corresponding to a selectable vote option or answer; and at least a selected RFID tag masking layer comprising one electromagnetically opaque single film or a plurality of film strips, with said RFID tags of the carrier layer, a region for RFID visibility and RFID tag reading, and which allows detection and unambiguous identification of said RFID tag corresponding to the selected vote option or answer. The present invention further relates to a wireless passive voting system using one or more devices, as well as to a voting method.