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Method and apparatus for inter-technology communication in vehicular networks

Sargento, S. ; Cardote, A. ; Ameixieira, C. E. B. A ; Barros, J. ; Matos, R. ; Neves, F. Neves

Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro, Veniam Unipessoal Lda.

Invention Title: Method and apparatus for inter-technology communication in vehicular networks

Patent Nr.: PCT/IB/2014/063388

Type: Patent

Regional Coverage: PCT

Priority Date: 05-08-2013

Filing Date: 24-07-2014

Wireless network data router for a vehicle, and operating method thereof, comprising: a multi-connection interface for wireless access in vehicular environments, herewith WAVE; a wireless local area network, herewith Wi-Fi, interface; a mobile network data interface; a downlink data connection for the vehicle and/or users in the vehicle and its vicinity; a data processing unit for routing data between said interfaces; wherein the data processing unit is configured to: calculate a score for each reachable network on the WAVE, Wi-Fi and mobile network interfaces; switch the uplink connection of the wireless network data router to the reachable network with the best score. Also a wireless network data router for vehicles for connecting vehicles to the Internet through a multi-network device, said router being a mobile router suitable to form a mesh network of connected vehicles, wherein the router is arranged for using parked cars for redistributing Wi-Fi signal from fixed hotspots.